Sunday, December 14, 2008

"Enhance Enhance Enhance"--Ramathorn

The Power of Exploration

Power is not control. Power is not skill. Power is limitless, and it comes from ability. It comes from the ability to step forward, both figuratively and literally. To be able to move with time and encounter the next step with grace, wonder, and curiosity. That ability is power. Time moves forward and no matter how hard a person tries to control what will happen in the next moment it is always a bit different than they expect. Even perfect skill is powerless in passing moments, because before a person can prefect a moment, it has passed as the next arrives. To step forward and explore the next moment is the most powerful tool in the human arsenal.

The unknown is a fleeting instance that is always present. Albert Einstein once said, “Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” However, Mr. Einstein was not correct. Reality is not an illusion, although an illusion is reality. Illusion is nothing more or less than a structured perception of reality. Reality is chaotic because there is not a power to control it, predict it, or skillfully manage it. The only way that sense is placed upon reality is in a hurried reflection where complete understanding never occurs. This quantitative and qualitative reflection could be equated to a man whose task is to study and count the eggs in his basket as innumerable chickens continue to lay, constantly adding to his task. While reality is not the illusion that creates a structured view of the universe, it is persistent. Such an illusion is created by the past in which the human mind consistently exists. The persistent reality continues to bombard the mind with new moments to be structured in the past.

The mind may be doomed to the task of dwelling on the past, yet this is when power comes into play. The power of ability to face the unknown without worry of understanding it is the power of love and equality and freedom, all rolled into one. This is exploration. Discovery is not exploration, and thus the way exploration is most commonly viewed has missed-the-mark. Exploration is purely an acceptance of loss without gain. Discovery is gain. This is the point where western world view divides so sharply with that of the east. Westerners are often obsessed with gain as results of productivity, competition, achievement. This division is especially prevalent with the yogis and gurus of India. Baba Ram Dass, formerly known as Dr. Richard Alpert, traveled to India and wrote a book about his literal and spiritual journey called, Remember Be Here Now. The book is filled with pages of phrases and guidewords that constantly confront the reader with huge ideas that stand quite contrary to western world view. Often when ideas of power and enlightenment are presented to westerners words such as gain are used. However when the meanings are really penetrated they appear simply as existence and acceptance. This type of thinking is often a lifelong struggle and more often in the Hindu religion a struggle of many lifetimes.

Maybe the power of exploration is beyond mastery for most individuals. Yet, even without mastering such a power and always implementing it in every moment, by working towards such a goal the present can be experienced as the wonderful, curious, and beautiful place it is. The illusion can be broken and reality can exist in its bewildering state of love, freedom, equality, and power. To realize the power of such ability is only a step away. Choose the unknown. Choose to explore. Choose to be, today.

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